Friday 3 August 2012


After a long time

Yeah after encounter my busy life as student; as a trainee; at last; I'M GRADUATED!. Alhamdulillah. Well, firstly i'm seriously do not have time to see or visiting this blog. Final year project (as known as PSM) really torturing me that much. I'm not expect to deserved such heavy workload. Ok. I want to forget all those feeling. I just wanna recall my fandom mode; and ready to update back everything! Oh FYI I'm a Sone! (Have a seat to google this term keke XD). Yeah you should wondering what is my target and aim after this. Yeah. MONEH. That is what I want. I want to travel around Malaysia; and around the world. Last few days I got my job application is accepted and I really hope they can accept me. Syawal is around the corner and I don't want to ask my parents for money. It's time for me to pay back what is been given to me. Nanti aku update lagi kalau sempat. 

P/S : I'm really miss my university life! Friendss! where are youuuu OTL