Monday 2 May 2011

Akademi Fantasiaaaaaaa

SPAMMING is my hobby.

I'm not gonna story about AF9. But what I want try to post is something that makes me proud. HAHA. Last Saturday I have spammed too many comment at FB AF9. Fortunately, my comment are appeared on that television! ROFL! Even my comment are not attracted Pak Nil to read it, its really make me satisfied..HAHA...You can try it too! This Saturday, okay? but firstly you should 'LIKE' AF9 Fan Page first! Haha. Look the evidence below if u are not believing in me.Dont trust my comment. My intention are only to publicize myself and trolling them.WIN! By the way this last edition of AF is 'not good to watch' ( i used the easy word to described it okay XD)

Sorry. im a humble person and i can't reveal my real name XD

P/S : As I said, don't trust my comment above. Because I have posted more worse than this. Luckily they didn't find out. If they did, I'm blocked as my friends have blocked because too many troll comments.HAHA

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