Monday 4 April 2011

What Will Happen If You Talking Without Knowledge?

Knowledge is Power

Today I want to share a video for you, lads. I know some of you have watched this but for those who didn't, enjoy this video.FAIL!

What did u feel? Shame? HAHA.Malu sial. I didn't intend to butthurt people but at least this video has teach you something, didn't ya? As I know, tsunami disaster has a close relation with seismicity. And I think the development of Japan never been a root of this disaster. Think carefully, fellas. Next time please read first or making research before making a statement or you will be fucked by your own people. At least please access WIKI with your expensive phone, faggot. I've take a peek of the tsunami info and I didn't find development is the main cause. This link might help you in research about tsunami.Access GEOLOGY or this for-noob-ever site; WIKI.

p/s : knowledge is not a real level to judge people, but if your words are out of knowledge, YOU FAIL.

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