Friday 3 August 2012


After a long time

Yeah after encounter my busy life as student; as a trainee; at last; I'M GRADUATED!. Alhamdulillah. Well, firstly i'm seriously do not have time to see or visiting this blog. Final year project (as known as PSM) really torturing me that much. I'm not expect to deserved such heavy workload. Ok. I want to forget all those feeling. I just wanna recall my fandom mode; and ready to update back everything! Oh FYI I'm a Sone! (Have a seat to google this term keke XD). Yeah you should wondering what is my target and aim after this. Yeah. MONEH. That is what I want. I want to travel around Malaysia; and around the world. Last few days I got my job application is accepted and I really hope they can accept me. Syawal is around the corner and I don't want to ask my parents for money. It's time for me to pay back what is been given to me. Nanti aku update lagi kalau sempat. 

P/S : I'm really miss my university life! Friendss! where are youuuu OTL


Tuesday 10 May 2011

On Hiatus??

5 month is too long

Yeah i know it is difficult to inform . I really don't understand myself as you do. If really not in the mood of blogging right now. Instead of desperate of internet I have nothing to share right now. This Friday i have to go to Shah Alam to serve my practical session. Is a real requirement for me to fulfill to graduate as an engineer. I know is it hard for me to survive but that is LIFE. InsyaAllah i will update this blog for my practical activities purposes only. HAHA. That's all for now. BYE~XD

Monday 2 May 2011

Akademi Fantasiaaaaaaa

SPAMMING is my hobby.

I'm not gonna story about AF9. But what I want try to post is something that makes me proud. HAHA. Last Saturday I have spammed too many comment at FB AF9. Fortunately, my comment are appeared on that television! ROFL! Even my comment are not attracted Pak Nil to read it, its really make me satisfied..HAHA...You can try it too! This Saturday, okay? but firstly you should 'LIKE' AF9 Fan Page first! Haha. Look the evidence below if u are not believing in me.Dont trust my comment. My intention are only to publicize myself and trolling them.WIN! By the way this last edition of AF is 'not good to watch' ( i used the easy word to described it okay XD)

Sorry. im a humble person and i can't reveal my real name XD

P/S : As I said, don't trust my comment above. Because I have posted more worse than this. Luckily they didn't find out. If they did, I'm blocked as my friends have blocked because too many troll comments.HAHA

Saturday 30 April 2011

It's Study Week Now


Hello fellas it's been long time since my last post (4 April 2011). Now today is 1 May. Workers Day. It is really a long time. Okay, the reason for the HIATUS is because of workload is really cost my time and I have no time to update this. The week before study week is actually the busiest and most challenging for student because needs to settle all the subject matters - assignment , test, etc. It is really a tradition for students. Sometimes it is really makes me pressure and stress. So that's why sometimes I copycat my friend's work to make thing fast and I can focus to other important subject XD. HAHA.Okay I think enuff for today and I hope I can post something as soon as possible. Next week is really a big day for me, and the next next week I hope I can spam something here. Sorry :)

Monday 4 April 2011

What Will Happen If You Talking Without Knowledge?

Knowledge is Power

Today I want to share a video for you, lads. I know some of you have watched this but for those who didn't, enjoy this video.FAIL!

What did u feel? Shame? HAHA.Malu sial. I didn't intend to butthurt people but at least this video has teach you something, didn't ya? As I know, tsunami disaster has a close relation with seismicity. And I think the development of Japan never been a root of this disaster. Think carefully, fellas. Next time please read first or making research before making a statement or you will be fucked by your own people. At least please access WIKI with your expensive phone, faggot. I've take a peek of the tsunami info and I didn't find development is the main cause. This link might help you in research about tsunami.Access GEOLOGY or this for-noob-ever site; WIKI.

p/s : knowledge is not a real level to judge people, but if your words are out of knowledge, YOU FAIL.

Sunday 3 April 2011

Let's Learning Hangul!

I'm back again

I know. I know. This is my second time, right? haha. Instead of busying making assignment and all CWORK software, I prefer to take some minutes to update this blog. Okay, I got something to post today. Guys, I really interested to learn Hangul. Their character is just like Japanese character. If I not mistaken, there is two types of Korean character which is Hangul and Hanja. Hanja is a lil' bit difficult but I'm sure that Hangul is much more easier. Even you can create your own name with Hangul. Try it!

Refer with this table

Keyboard Guide For Beginner

 I realized that to learn someone language, we should interesting to learn it. That's the way u'll master every language you want. Here I show you best place to learn this language personally and individually. LIVEMOCHA is the best place for you. That's the place to communicate the new language via social network. You will be teach step by step there. Not interested in Hangul? Other language also available there bro:)


Saturday 2 April 2011

Hello Fellas!

Dear all blogger and readers,
This is my first experience creating my personal blog.
and I actually haven't decide the main reason why I creating this blog and perhaps I'll know it soon.
So be prepared for anything latest I spammed here..
Please anticipating it well..

Mr. Reeds